Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The first ever posting on our kiddo's blog!

Grace and Garrett are on fall break right now for two weeks from school. They have both been sick and hopefully will get better so they can enjoy the majority of their break. We are always doing fun things whether it be here at home or out and about. Jason makes fun of me because I can't sit still and unfortunately our kids have gotten that bug too!

Grace is doing great in first grade and might possibly be a bonifide teachers pet! Last year she was far from that since she is a chatty little thing but her teacher this year is in complete control of the classroom and realizes Grace just wants to be needed. She is reading at a very high level and is doing great with Math as well. It's so funny how complex she can be and it has taken us 6 years to figure out how methodical and organized she is. Jason and I are very much the same way but it's a good thing we can stroke that nuance a bit. When the girl starts a project she wants to make sure she finishes it or there will be trouble. This is a good life skill I think! We went to Breckenridge with our neighbors the Shymanski's in September and Grace got to take her first lone horse ride and she did awesome! She was a bit intimidated at first and she wanted to ride with me (ok, I wanted HER to ride with me too:)but since she was 6 they would not allow it so she mustered up the courage and did it. By the end she was trying to slow the horse like her dear old mom so she could hold up and make the horse go a bit faster to catch up. A chip off the old block...did I mention all the boys were not interested in the ride? Us gals had a great time! She is playing soccer this fall as well and is quite a little player with lots of energy and enthusiasm. She plays piano as well and we adore her teacher Ms. Leila. I traded services with my neighbor Margaret and Grace had a sewing lesson today. I am excited to see what kinds of treasures she designs! Maybe she will be a designer when she gets older and will take me to NYC for fashion week.....a woman can dream-ha! We recently did a coats for Colorado drive for the Daisy scouts and Grace and I had a goal to collect 20 coats for the drive. We collected 26! We appreciate all of your donations AND your enthusiasm for the coat drive and interest even if we didnt make it to pick coats up from you. Everyone was awesome!

Garrett is doing great in Kindergarten and Jason and I are quite pleased with his enthusiasm for school. I went on his first field trip last week to a great place called Miller Farms about an hour north of Highlands Ranch. We had such a great time!! In all honesty I was going on the field trip for him and not particularly looking forward to it. The last time I went on a field trip was with Grace last year and I got caught on what I thought was a busload of kindergartners for two hours. What I actually got was a busload of kindergartners with an 80/20 split. Girls/Boys. WOW! That was a loud and giggly bus! So needless to say we have the same split but the other way in his class and not only were the bus rides glorious but the farm was sooo cool! G and I picked a HUGE load of veggies and I must say that even though I am a city girl I was all over the excitement of picking all of those fresh veggies. We got pumpkins, corn, decorative corn, green beans, potatoes, carrots and cabbage. Garrett was so happy I was there and it was truly a wonderful bonding experience for the mom that doesn't quite measure up as well as dad in the sports department. That's pretty much all the little guy cares about most of the time and I don't always fit the bill. I try but my pitches are usually off and I throw the football like a girl:) Garrett is playing soccer right now and as with all of his sports he is a ringer (I know, spoken like a true mom) and is chomping at the bit to start hockey back up in November. He just learned to ride his bike without training wheels so he wants to be outside all of the time. He is so focused on all of his interests and it truly amazes me how coordinated and talented he is. Well. I will end this posting but I hope you enjoy the pics and I plan to post once or twice a week so check back frequently!


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